The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the First Christmas
Episode Details

Jack Garno and Dr. David Hajduk sit down and go into great detail about what happened the day that Jesus was born, what we believe as Catholics about Jesus’ birth, and how they celebrate Christmas now. 

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⏰ Timecodes ⏰

00:00 Introduction

03:28 What is wrong with the "Soap Opera" version of Mary?

07:27 Joseph knew Mary was a consecrated virgin

10:23 Why did Joseph want to "Put Her Away Quietly"?

11:26 The Angel Gabriel implies Joseph wasn't jealous

12:53 What did Betrothal mean?

14:57 Why Joseph's role was necessary

17:02 Magnificat


18:32 Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

21:41 Historical Timeline leading up to Jesus' Birth

26:58 How did the early Christians celebrate Christmas?

31:29 Is Santa Claus really real?

32:08 What did "No Room At The Inn" really mean?

38:09 Animals at the Nativity Scene

41:28 Shepards and Wise Men

45:10 Angels

49:20 The Miraculous Birth

56:06 Why people have a hard time believing it

64:04 How does Dr. Dave's family celebrate Christmas?

68.23 Closing Remarks

Episode cover art for The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the First Christmas